
Book presentation of Péter Balázs in Slovakia and Romania

November 15, 2011

2011. november 7. és 12-ke között bemutatásra került Balázs Péter legújabb könyve Szlovákiában és Romániában.

Balázs Péter először a komáromi Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Karának volt a vendége. November 7-én hallgatók és újságírók előtt egy kerekasztal beszélgetés formájában mutatta be "Magyarország és Európa" című könyvét. A beszélgetés moderátora Szarka László dékán volt.

Event Summary - Results and Experience of the Slovak V4 Presidency

October 18, 2011

On 17 October 2011, the Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Hungary and Department of International Relations and European Studies (IRES) at CEU organized a lecture of H.E. Peter Weiss, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Hungary.

Event Summary - “The Radical Right in East Central Europe” Conference I: State, society and history

October 17, 2011

The first conference held on 4 October 2011 in the proposed series was co-organized by the Central European University’s Center for European Enlargement Studies and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Budapest. The venue was the Central European University’s Popper Room, and the conference had seven participants. They represented the targeted area of the Visegrad Countries, plus their enlarged European neighbourhood.

Event Summary - “Central Europe after the Global Economic Crisis”

October 3, 2011

The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) participated as a co-coordinator in the UACES collaborative research network on the future of the Single European Market together with Durham University, UK as the main organizer and sponsor.

Péter Balázs gives an interview for a Macedonian daily newspaper "Дневник"

September 21, 2011

On 9 September 2011, Péter Balázs, director of CENS and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, gave an interview for a Macedonian daily newspaper "Дневник", after lecturing at the prestigious School for Young Leaders organized by the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia.