Event Summary - “Central Europe after the Global Economic Crisis”

October 3, 2011

The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) participated as a co-coordinator in the UACES collaborative research network on the future of the Single European Market together with Durham University, UK as the main organizer and sponsor. This one-day-long seminar entitled "Central Europe after the Global Economic Crisis" took place on 30 September 2011 at the premises of the Central European University.

The original purpose was to provide a framework for a more thorough analysis of the transition processes in the new member states, particular in relation to the wider EU Single Market policy framework. In spite of important findings on the nature of the relationship between the EU policies and domestic transformation in the CEE member states which emerged during the seminar series, the general consensus amongst the core research network and the seminar participants was that the monitoring of these dynamics need to be part of an ongoing process which cannot be concluded within a twelve-month period. The aim of the series was to establish a network of academic researchers and practitioners which would allow a more sustained analysis of the internal dynamics of the EU-27 Single Market, particular in the context of the challenges of the global economy.

The seminar divided into three panels was opened by Christian Schweiger, Lecturer in Government, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, UK, while the keynote speech was given by György Kopits, Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the USA. The other distinguished moderators and speakers of the panels were: István Benczés, Corvinus University, Budapest; Tamás Schenk, Director, Department of Strategic, Planning and Controlling Department, OTP Bank; Attila Bartha, Institute for Political Science, HAS; Lothar Funk, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf; Bela Galgoczi, Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels; Gábor Oblath, Institute of Economics, HAS; András Deák, Research Director, CENS; Ágnes Csermely, Director, Monetary Strategy and Economic Analysis, Central Bank of Hungary; Tamás Szemlér, Senior Research Fellow, ICEG European Center, Budapest; Krisztina Arató, ELTE Faculty of Law, Institute of Political Science. The seminar was concluded by Péter Balázs, former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of CENS.

