
European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2016

February 1, 2016

CENS researcher Zsuzsanna Végh has been one of the contributing researchers of ECFR's European Foreign Policy Scorecard, conducting background research on Hungary's foreign policy in 2015. The European Foreign Policy Scorecard, published annually since 2011, provides a systematic assessment of Europe’s foreign policy performance, analysing the performance of the 28 member states and the EU institutions on 65 policy areas arranged around six key issue areas: Multilateral issues; Russia; Wider Europe; Middle East and North Africa; United States; Asia and China.

Visegrad Foreign Policy Trends - Country reports available

January 11, 2016

Our partner, the Association for International Affairs (AMO) in Prague has published the four country analyses written in the framework of the "Trend of Visegrad Foreign Policy" project CENS has been participating in.

Anti-corruption in Moldova and Ukraine - Final report of the "Destination: Transparency" project is out

June 25, 2015

Corruption is the most oft-cited obstacle in relations between the EU and two of its eastern partners, Moldova and Ukraine. Seeping through public and private exchanges alike, systemic corruption impedes sectoral reforms—a crucial element of modernisation. The handbook offers concrete case studies from the Visegrad countries’ anti-corruption policy tracks and proposes solutions on how Moldova and Ukraine can best capitalise on the EU’s expertise, financial assistance and political momentum in anti-corruption reforms to minimise risk and optimise success.

"Visegrad Toward Mixed Development Profile" - Zsuzsanna Végh's article in Visegrad Insight

June 22, 2015

The latest issue of the Visegrad Insight magazine discussing the link between education and innovation is now out. The articles discuss what sort of education will bring up more innovators in Central Europe and how to assure that the next generation will be equally, or even more, creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial.