Event Report - “Country development, strategy, good governance – the lessons from Finland through SITRA model”

May 23, 2012

CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and The Patriotism and Progress Public Policy Foundation hosted a public lecture on 21 May 2012 entitled “Country development, strategy, good governance – the lessons from Finland through SITRA model”. The lecture was delivered by Mikko Kosonen, President of SITRA (Finland) to a distinguished group of diplomats, students and university professors.

SITRA is the Finnish Innovation Fund founded in 1967 as a part of the Bank of Finland. Currently it is an independent public foundation which operates directly under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament. Through its activities, SITRA aims to promote the economic prosperity and the future success of Finland. SITRA’s aim is to be a respected partner in building a knowledgeable and innovative society.

Kosonen's lecture was divided into three main parts: first, SITRA’s role and strategy in line with the needs of Finland; second, the current challenges: transition from an industrial welfare society to sustainable and human centric service society; third, SITRA’s vision on structural changes which lead to countries’ growth and development.

The lecture was chaired by Péter Balázs, Director of CENS and former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The discussant was Gordon Bajnai, President of the Patriotism and Progress Public Policy Foundation and Former Prime Minister of Hungary.

For more details, see Kosonen’s presentation below.

