Zsuzsanna Végh on Hungarian foreign policy for Polityka

August 29, 2016

CENS researcher Zsuzsanna Végh was quoted on Hungarian foreign policy in Polityka. In the article "Péter Szijjártó: kim jest węgierski szeryf dyplomacji" by Dariusz Kałan, published on August 23, 2016, she argued that "[w]hile conflicts with the EU and US were already very present under Martonyi too, the style of diplomacy has become more aggressive under Szijjártó."  Talking about the new direction of foreign policy under Foreign Minister Szijjártó, she said that "[i]ncreased focus on economy in itself is nothing bad, but this should not happen at the expense of relations with partners in Hungary's Western alliance. Relations with them have become confrontational, while in its contacts with Eastern countries Hungarian diplomacy is cooperative and accommodating."

To access the article, click here (paywall, in Polish).

