Visegrad Countries in the Refugee Crisis

June 5, 2016

The Center for European Neighborhood Studies hosted the international workshop titled "The Refugee Crisis and the Reaction of the Visegrad Countries" on May 30, 2016, organized by the Hungarian Europe Society. At the workshop, experts from the Visegrad countries as well as from Serbia and Croatia discussed how countries of Central Europe have reacted to the refugee crisis over the past year. The workshop was supported by the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit.

The workshop was opened by CENS director Prof. Péter Balázs. CENS researchers also participated in the workshop: András Szalai spoke about the "Theatrics of Xenophobia: Hungary and the 2015 Migration Crisis", Zsuzsanna Végh discussed "The Political Dynamics of the Visegrad Group during the Refugee Crisis".

Pictures of the workshop are available here.
