The Damages of "Hate Speech" and Tools for Improved Responses in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania

Open to the Public
Arany Janos u. 32
Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 10:00am
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Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 10:00am to 5:00pm

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest (FES), the Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS) and the CEU Roma Access Programs at Central European University (CEU), Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (Blinken OSA Archives), the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, the Polish Institute and the Slovakian Institute are pleased to invite you to

The Damages of "Hate Speech" and Tools for Improved Responses in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania


10:00 Welcoming remarks

Péter Balázs, Director, CEU, CENS

Péter Molnár, CEU, CENS

10:15 Hungary and Poland

Chair: Balázs Dénes, Director, European Civil Liberties Project of the Open Society Foundations


Anna Sledzinska, CEU Alumna, Assistant Professor, University of Wroclaw, Causes and cures for hatred: the case of Poland

Péter MolnárDemocracy, public discourse and “hate speech”

Zuzanna Warso, Lawyer, Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Violence against women online: the problem of sexist hate-speech and ineffective legal remedies on the example of Poland

Henriett DinókJunior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Hate Crimes in Hungary

12:00 Lunch

13:00 The Czech Republic and Slovakia

Chair: Julius Horvath, Head of the Department of Economics, CEU

Petőcz Kálmán, Chairman of the Slovakian Helsinki Committee, Hate speech as a tool in the hands of "standard" politicians in Slovakia 

Lubica Stanek, Open Society Foundation, Hate speech and aggressive behaviors online in Slovakia

Jaroslav Cerman, Analyst, Hate Free Culture Project, Czech Republic, Hate Free Culture - Countering Anti-Roma Hate Speech in the Czech Social Media

Max Steuer, CEU Alumnus, PhD Candidate, Comenius University, Department of Political Science & Research Assistant, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education at Comenius University, The International Helping Hand? The Impact of the Council of Europe on Policies vis-à-vis "Hate Speech" in Slovakia

14:30 Coffee Break

15:00 Bulgaria and Romania

Chair: Bernard Rorke, Advocacy Officer, European Roma Rights Center

Adrian Szelmenczi, Project Manager, Active Watch, Antidiscrimination Department, Hate Speech in Romania

Rumian Russinov, Director, Public Policy Advocacy Centre, Sofia, The Hate Speech Against Roma in Bulgaria in the Period 1990 - 2015

Marian Mandache, Executive Director, Romani CRISS, Romania, Hate speech and hate crime in Romania

Raluca Negulescu, Executive Director, Policy Center of Roma and Minorities, Tackling hate speech against Roma through innovative approaches - a grassroots perspective

16:30 Closing Remarks by speakers and other participants

Chair: Péter Molnár

17:00 Reception 


Please feel free to invite friends via and share the facebookevent of the conference:  

The event is Part IV of the colloquium on the Damages of "Hate Speech" and Tools for Improved Responses.

Initiator and main organizer of the colloquium is Rafto Laureate 1989 Peter Molnar, co-founder of the Rafto Free Speech to Overcome “Hate Speech” Program, with Rafto Laureates 1997 Ian Hancock and 2011 Frank Mugisha.

Previous Parts of the colloquium:

Part III was on anti-Gypsyism on March 17, with a majority of Roma speakers:

Part II was launching the book “Free Speech and Censorship around the Globe”, ed. Peter Molnar, CEU Press 2015 in Budapest, November 30, 2015: 

Part I was on “The Content and Context of Charlie Hebdo” and the book “The Content and Context of Hate Speech Rethinking Regulation and Responses”, eds. Michael Herz and Peter Molnar, Cambridge UP 2012, in London, February 13, 2015, (With contribution form Index On Censorship, Vivarta, and Free Word Centre, United Kingdom.)
