Central European Development Coordination in Light of Russia's Aggression and the Refugee Crisis - Zsuzsanna Végh to CRPE/Euractiv Romania

January 14, 2016

CENS researcher Zsuzsanna Végh gave an interview to Bianca Toma, project coordinator of the Romanian Center for European Policies on coordination among Visegrad countries in the field of development assistance in the Eastern neighborhood, the impact of the refugee crisis and Russia's agression in Ukraine on future developments in the development field, and the possibilities of wider development policy coordination in Central Europe in the context of the post-2015 agenda.

The interview has been published in two parts by Euractiv Romania under the "We Develop!" project (in Romanian).
Part I. - Visegrad Countries Supporting Reforms in Ukraine
Part II. - How Will the Refugee Crisis and Russia's Agression Influence European Donors?

The original English version of the interview is available here.

