Western Education as a Tool for the Europeanization of Ukraine?

December 4, 2014

The final conference of the project "Western Education - A Tool for Europeanization of Ukraine" took place on November 27, 2014, in Kyiv, Ukraine organized by the Ukrainian Institute for Public Policy and the Kyiv School of Economics. The coordinator of the project, Iryna Ozymok, presented a short video, which was prepared in the framework of the project funded by the International Visegrad Fund, summing up lessons from and advices of key actors in Ukraine and the region concerning the reforms to be undertaken in Ukraine. The event also discussed the role of youth in social change, an especially timely topic in nowadays' Ukraine where youth played an important part in the events of Maidan and what followed throughout the past year. In the second panel of the conference, project partners from the Visegrad countries discussed how global education was a catalist for change in their countries and what they found as key elements and difficulties during the reforms of higher education in their countries.

The final report of the project was presented at the conference and will be shortly available electronically, as well.
The Center for EU Enlargement Studies was represented at the event by Zsuzsanna Végh, who co-authored a background study on the role of Western education in Hungary with Gabriella Gőbl, project coordinator of CENS.

Pictures from the conference are available here.

