CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience and Moldova”

March 21, 2014

“Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience and Moldova”
International Student Debate

Interested in the European Union, the Visegrad countries or Moldova?
Have an opinion about EU enlargement and neighborhood policy?

Care to discuss your views with outstanding students from Central and Eastern Europe?
Want to strengthen your debating skills?



The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) of the Central European University opens a call for participation to join a unique, international, on-line student debate on the European future of Moldova and the Visegrad countries, which brings together 25 highly motivated students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia. The debate is organized in the framework of the project entitled “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience,” and is coordinated by MESA10, a Slovak NGO having a two-decade-long experience in supporting economic and social reforms aimed at building a free society based on respect for democratic principles and values.

The debate takes place on April 23 (Wednesday), 2014. The Budapest team will join the online debate from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). The five teams will discuss Moldova’s European association and integration prospects, the transformation and reform experience of Visegrad countries and their supporting role in Moldova’s European aspirations. The debate aims at connecting V4 University students with students from Moldova, and deepening their understanding on the issues in question while also strengthening their debating skills.

The Budapest debate team will be composed of 5 participants, who receive training in debating before the event. Their participation will be awarded with a certificate from the organizers, and they will be invited to participate in a writing competition where the best 5 essays and 5 blogs (one from every participant country) written on the topics of the debate will be honored with 100 EUR respectively.

Eligibility criteria:
-          Interest in the topic;
-          Fluency in English;
-          Currently enrolled in a graduate or post-graduate program in Hungary;
-          Availability for attending the training and the debate in April 2014;
-          Hungarian citizenship is NOT a requirement!

How to apply:

Send your CV and a short motivation letter (max. 1 page) in English to Zsuzsanna Vegh ( by March 31, 2014.

