Event report - EU Visa Policy: what neighbors could do? Example of Hungary Discussion and presentation

April 9, 2013

“Europe without Barriers” in cooperation with CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies and Hungarian Europe Society held a roundtable discussion entitled: EU Visa Policy: what neighbors could do? Example of Hungaryon April 8, 2013 at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest.

The speakers of the event were:

Prof. Péter Balázs, Director of Center for the EU Enlargement Studies, Director, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Budapest,
Jerzy Chelichowski, Hungarian Europe Society, Budapest, Hungary.
Oleksandr Sushko, Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Europe without Barriers, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Iryna Sushko, Maryana Kuzio, Europe without Barriers, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Attila Melegh, Hungarian Europe Society, Budapest, Hungary.

The event was meant to generate a public discussion about the borders, visas and freedom of movement in Europe.

The roundtable discussion was follwed by an art photo exhibition: Visas? What's the Reason?, opened by H.E. Mr. Yurii Mushka, Ambassador of Ukraine to Hungary.



In the attachments you can find the photos of the exhibition and the presentation of the colleagus from Europe without Barriers, Kyiv, Ukraine


