White Power Music: Recent publication of Szele Áron

November 6, 2012

Szele Áron, Research Assistant at the Center for European Enlargement Studies, has recently contributed a chapter to the book entitled:  "White Power Music: Scenes of Extreme Right Cultural Resistance". The work, the second in the "Mapping the Far Right" book series, was published in October 2012, at Islington by Searchlight Magazine Ltd. and the Radicalism and New Media Research Group
The book, edited by Anton Shekhovtsov and Paul Jackson, presents new analysis of the shifting phenomenon of White Power music. It offers a timely overview of how White Power music helps preserve ultranationalist and racist narratives, recruit young people to the extreme-right political cause, and eventually encourages violence against the alleged ‘enemies’ and ‘traitors’ of the ‘White Race’.
To map this diverse culture, the volume focuses on national case studies ranging from the West to the East, as well as discussing particular topics such as the role of women in White Power music, censorship and the legacy of the late Ian Stuart Donaldson, founder of the Blood and Honour promotion network and a major figure in the extreme-right music scene.
Szele Áron contributed a chapter to the volume,  entitled "White Power Music in Hungary and Romania". The chapter is a comparative study of ultranationalist music in the two countries, analyzing their content and tactics, as well as their ideological content, and attempts to answer the question of why such forms of cultural expression succeed or fail in certain political contexts. 
More information on this book and the series may be accessed at:


White Power Music: Scenes of Extreme Right Cultural Resistance


