Event Report – "Turkey and EU Enlargement: Prospects and Policies"

January 16, 2012

CEU’s Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and Sabanci University’s Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) held a workshop on 12 and 13 January 2012 at CEU entitled “Turkey and EU Enlargement: Prospects and Policies” within the project “Reclaiming impetus” – Seeking EU-Turkey Convergence in Three Policy Areas.

The purpose of the project is to support and enhance policy formulation in respect to how Turkey’s regional policy and its role in the neighborhood might be reconciled with those of the EU. This project aims: (a) to examine the extent to which Turkey’s regional policies have the potential to converge with the EU’s neighborhood policies; (b) to provide a better understanding of how Turkey’s regional priorities might serve to strengthen or detract from its EU membership goals; and (c) to reassess Turkey’s potential to complement and reinforce EU policies and practices in its broader neighborhood.

The workshop hosted by CENS (preceded by the kick-off meeting organized in Istanbul by IPC in September 2010) presented the draft policy papers and made some suggestions for the final draft. Finally, the project will result in three major policy papers, which will be communicated at a panel discussion and press conference organized in Brussels. For more information on participants and topics of the workshop, please see the workshop agenda.

For the media coverage, please see the links below:

