Event Summary - “Taking Stock of the Eastern Partnership in the Visegrad Four”

September 13, 2011

In the framework of the project entitled “Taking Stock of the Eastern Partnership in the Visegrad Four”, the Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) together with three partner institutes from the Visegrad countries held a kick-off meeting on 12 September 2011 at the premises of the Central European University. The project is sponsored by the International Visegrad Fund and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

The meeting was opened by Péter Balázs, former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of CENS and chaired by Vladimír Bilčík, Senior Research Fellow, RC SFPA (Bratislava). The main speakers were Adam Eberhardt, Deputy Director, OSW (Warsaw); Alexander Duleba, Director, RC SFPA (Bratislava); Petr Kratochvíl, Deputy Director, IIR (Prague) and András Deák, Research Director, CENS (Budapest). This occasion was also a great opportunity for the further discussion on the future of the Eastern Partnership (EaP).

This event will be followed by the second workshop within the same project that will be held on 27 October 2011 in Pozsony, Slovakia.

