
New Project launched in cooperation with the Kosciuszko Institute

December 9, 2009

A new project has been launched in cooperation with the Kosciuszko Institute. The project entitled "The Eastern Partnership in the context of the EU Enlargement Policy and V4 agenda" started in November 2009 and is supported by the International Visegrad Fund. 

Event Report - Minister for European Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands speaks on 'Europe; 20 years after the Iron Curtain' at CEU

November 9, 2009

On November 5th, the Center for EU Enlargement Studies hosted Frans Timmermans, Minister for European Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Minister spoke about the challenges and prospects of a re-united Europe on the occasion of the 20 years anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall on November 9th.

CENS organises research fieldtrip to Serbia to study international donor policies towards the Serbian Civil Sector

September 30, 2009

CENS organised a week-long fieldtrip to Serbia, as a part of the IVF supported project on international donor policies towards the Serbian Civil Sector. Six participants took part from CENS and its project partners.

During the fieldtrip, the researcher held interviews with over 20 invited representatives from donor and civil society organisations.

The fieldtrip was generously supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Belgrade Office, and the Hungarian Embassy.

New Website

August 19, 2009

The Center for EU Enlargement Studies announces the launching of their new streamlined website. The new site is fully integrated with CEU databases, and has an updated design. It is our hope that new and returning users will find the site accessible and easy to use.

Please contact us with any questions or queries you may have.

Center for EU Enlargement Studies announces the arrival of a new Research Director

August 18, 2009

The CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies is pleased to announce the arrival of  András Deák PhD., a reputed scholar of Eastern-European and Energy Affairs. Dr. Deák serves as the Center's new Research Director since the 1st of August 2009.