
Call for Participation: "Ukrainian Crisis: Security and Humanitarian Dimension"

March 27, 2015

Ukrainian Crisis: Security and Humanitarian Dimension


April 8, 2015, 14:00 - 16.30


“Interest comes first, but we can never take steps contradicting our values,” says Balázs

March 4, 2015

On February 23, the JÖSz (Jogászhallgatók Önképző Szervezete, an organization of law students) at the Law Faculty of the Eötvös Loránd University organized an open debate between Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Péter Balázs, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and director of the CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS).

"Energy and Security in Ukraine: Implications for Europe and the West"

February 20, 2015

On February 17, 2015 the Center for EU Enlargement Studies organized an expert roundtable entitled ‘Energy and Security in Ukraine: Implications for Europe and the West’ in cooperation with the US Embassy in Budapest. Panelists discussed the current situation in Ukraine, focusing on four key areas: energy security, Western-Russian relations, hard security concerns in Ukraine and the United States’ position on the conflict.

Péter Balázs lectured at the European University of Tirana

February 11, 2015

CEU Professor and CENS Director, Péter Balázs, held a two-day lecture to the master students of political science at the European University of Tirana on 13 and 14 February. He covered the following topics: “Experiences of the V4 and Hungary in the process of EU Enlargement with a special regard to the Western Balkans” and “V4’s and Hungary's perspective in the future of the EU governance”. The visit was organized within the project supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

"Western-Educated Reformers Could Help in Ukraine" - Event Report

January 30, 2015

Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine and the lack of fundamental change yet to be brought about by the Revolution of Dignity, Iryna Ozymok, project coordinator for the Ukrainian Institute for Public Policy, believes that "this is the moment when we need transformation the most." A participant on the Euromaidan herself, Iryna conducted the project "Global Education: A Tool for the Europeanization of Ukraine?" in cooperation with sev