
Should We Upgrade the V4-Turkey Dialogue?

June 30, 2016

At a time when the Visegrad Group (V4) is becoming a more ambitious regional bloc, several policymakers and analysts have floated the idea of deepening a dialogue with Turkey, a country of tremendous importance for the EU, and one that is enjoying unprecedented interest of policymakers, business circles and publics at large.

Insurgent parties in the EU

June 29, 2016

CENS researcher Zsuzsanna Végh has contributed with research on Hungary to the publication of the European Council on Foreign Relations titled "The world according to Europe's insurgent parties: Putin, migration and people power". Download the paper here.

How Brexit could hurt expats

June 20, 2016

CENS researcher Zsuzsanna Végh has contributed to ECFR's dataset titled "Brits Abroad: How Brexit could hurt expats" with research about the situation of British nationals in Hungary. The publication gives a comprehensive overview about how Great Britain leaving the EU could impact the housing, education, healthcare, pension and employment situation of British expats across the European Union. Find out more here.

Central Europe and the Refugee Question: Cooperation or Confrontation?

June 15, 2016

CENS colleagues Gabi Gőbl and Andras Szalai have participated in a panel discussion in Vienna on June 9, 2016, on the first public event of an Austrian initiative seeking transborder cooperation related to the refugee crisis and migration. It was the first joint event of the project titled Joint solutions for common challenges: How to deal with the refugee and migration crisis across borders. 

Visegrad Countries in the Refugee Crisis

June 5, 2016

The Center for European Neighborhood Studies hosted the international workshop titled "The Refugee Crisis and the Reaction of the Visegrad Countries" on May 30, 2016, organized by the Hungarian Europe Society. At the workshop, experts from the Visegrad countries as well as from Serbia and Croatia discussed how countries of Central Europe have reacted to the refugee crisis over the past year.