20 Years after Dayton: The Voice of Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Transition

Open to the Public
Oktober 6. u. 7
Room 102
Friday, April 17, 2015 - 9:00am
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Friday, April 17, 2015 - 9:00am to 4:30pm

The year 2015 marks the 20 year anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement that ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. What has changed in the past two decades and what role has the youth played in the transformation of the country? This one-day long international youth conference discusses the developments and proposes ways forward in the domains of politics, economy and civil society. The goal of this conference is to get the perspective of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region about their vision of the future for the country and to generate new ideas.

Panel I. – Constitution and Political Institutions in the last 20 years: Time for a Change?

Panel II. – One Step Forward Two Steps Backwards: Economic Development in the last 20 Years

Panel III. – The Relevance of Civil Society and the Vision for the Future

RSVP: Radka Pudilova (pudilova_radka@spp.ceu.edu)
