Photo competition on examples of inter-religious dialogue in Hungary
The Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS), together with the partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, invites you to participate to a photo competition! This initiative is part of the project “My neighbor. Success stories of inter-faith dialogue within and beyond the V4 countries” funded by the International Visegrad Fund, and we would be happy to receive as many photos as possible that capture real life instances of SUCCESSFUL INTER-RELIGIOUS FLEXIBILITY AND DIALOGUE IN HUNGARY.
The best two authors of photos will be awarded an all-inclusive trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2019!
Eligibility: Young people from 18 to 25 years of age.
Guidelines for the photo competition:
- 1 good quality photo on the topic
- Name of the photo and a short description about what it captures
- Short self-presentation of the author/photographer (written in English) + photo
- Photos should be sent to Hana Semanic at, with the following information in the subject line: Author’sName_Author’sSurname_PhotoName
- Deadline for submission is 15 September 2019 at 5 pm
The competition results will be announced by the end of September 2019.
The main goal of this project is to raise awareness among young citizens in the Visegrad countries about the historical role played by Islam in some European countries, while emphasizing a nuanced understanding of Islam as a multi-vocal religion and a lived-in reality, which is not intimately tied to terrorism or warfare.
More information about the project and partners find here.
For all additional information you can contact us by e-mail:
We are looking forward to your applications and interesting photos!