CfP - “Us vs. Them: Populism, the Refugee Other and the Re-Consideration of National Identity in Central and Eastern Europe”

March 31, 2017

“Us vs. Them: Populism, the Refugee Other and the Re-Consideration of National Identity in Central and Eastern Europe”

Conference hosted by the Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS), Central European University, Budapest and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Budapest

Call for papers

The CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS) in close collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is organizing a two-panel international conference to be held on 29 May 2017, at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.


Incoming refugees have created strong negative reactions across Europe, in both destination and transit countries. Such reactions were instrumentalized by some political actors in order to instill fear, and a rhetoric of “us” versus “them” is increasingly popular. One consequence of such political processes was the emphasis placed on the political community, and its re-conceptualization along mostly ethnic and/or religious lines. In this conference, we aim to find out how communities are being re-imagined in countries receiving refugees or being on the transit path.

Within this context, the conference encourages papers on the following topics:

  • instrumentalization of migration crisis in national politics in the CEE region and along the Balkan route
  • populism, nationalism, democratic backsliding along the Balkan route
  • rise of religious components in nation/political community conceptualization
  • radicalization of the young generation
  • increasing use of discriminatory entitlements/privileging (haves/have nots) in policy making discourse
  • connection between migration/refugees crisis and domestic/foreign policy making

We invite both theoretical and empirical papers that offer policy-relevant insights. Empirical papers taking a comparative perspective are particularly welcome.

A honoraria of 200 EUR is offered for papers accepted if submitted by the deadline (see below).

Travel and accommodation will be covered for participants.

How to submit a paper proposal

Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short bio to by 24 April 2017. Accepted papers will be announced by 28 April 2017. A total of 6-8 papers will be selected for two panels.

Paper submission deadline for selected participants is 25 May.

More details will follow on the CENS website:

