Publications from our Russia conference are now available

January 26, 2017

The papers are published under our EU Frontiers Policy Brief series, numbered from 10 to 14.Topics vary from the effect of sanctions on the Russian economy, oil and gas business, the state budget, as well as EU-Russia relations in the light of sanctions and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

You can download all papers by visiting our publication section here.

Policy Brief No. 10 - Vasily Astrov: Russian Economy under Sanctions: What is the way forward? 

Policy Brief No. 11 - Andrei Belyi: The Two-Way Street Effect of Sanctions. Challenges for the oil and gas business and political pressures 

Policy Brief No. 12 - Andrey Chernyavskiy: Budget Constraints as the Main Challenge to Russia’s Economic System. Dynamics of Russian corporate foreign debt 

Policy Brief No. 13 - Andrey Makarychev: Between the Logic of Transcendence and the Strategy of Re-Entry. Russia and the EU after the Ukraine imbroglio 

Policy Brief No. 14 - Tatiana Romanova: EU–Russia Relations in Light of the Sanctions.Three years on

The policy briefs were presented by the authors on our conference entitled the State of Russian Economy and Russia’s Development Path in November 2016. You can reach out the event report and read more about the conference here

