Be part of the first Visegrad Model at the Prague Student Summit!

December 19, 2014

The Visegrad Model is a week-long MUN-type project taking place within the Prague Student Summit in the city of Prague on March 3-9, 2015, organized by the Association for International Affairs. 25 university students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Germany will gather to discover the decision-making processes of international alliances. They will step into roles of real diplomats in an extensive 4-day-long role-playing game and discuss current European issues representing perspectives of their countries. Thanks to this program, they will understand better not only the topics discussed (these will be announced in advance) but will also meet colleagues from different countries and enhance their own capabilities - such as rhetoric, presentation and argumentation skills.

Structure of the program

Prior to the simulation, the participants will experience 2,5 days of games, workshops, seminars, debates, icebreakers and excursions. All prepared by the organizers and experts representing universities and think-tanks of the Central European countries.
The simulation part will begin with an opening ceremony that will be conducted within the framework of the Prague Student Summit (PSS) the largest project of its kind in Central Europe. During this ceremony, the participants of the Model V4 will have the opportunity to speak in front of a crowd composed of almost 400 students and also honourable guests - journalists, ambassadors, experts, and politicians. Workshops about public speaking will be conducted in previous days so there is no need to worry about the speeches.
During the following three days, all 25 young people will gather around a negotiation table and will represent their countries acting as real politicians following 3 key "A"s – appearance, arguments, attitude – according to real deliberations of the Visegrad Group. We hope to see fruitful negotiations with outstanding outcomes on various topics from energy to security.

Students from the V4 countries and Germany enrolled in Bachelor and Master programs are eligible to apply by filling out an application form and submitting their motivation letter and an essay. Find more information on the criteria in the attachment.

To learn more about the program visit and apply online by January 25, 2015.
