Event report: “Looking Southeast: Providing Fresh Impetus towards EU Membership”

June 24, 2014

On 28 May 2014, CEU’s Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest organized an expert conference on the Western Balkans and Turkey entitled “Looking Southeast: Providing Fresh Impetus towards EU Membership”. The event supported the joint strategic goal the EU has for the European future of the Western Balkan region, and it also examined Turkey’s path towards the EU. The conference built on the positive developments in the region which took place in the last decade; second, it gave incentives/positive examples from the countries which have stepped up a gear and are now in the EU (e.g. Croatia); and finally it focused on a Turkish foreign policy towards the EU and assessed its successes and shortcomings.

A detailed report is available in the attachment below. You can find photos from the event on CENS' Facebook page, here.



