CALL FOR ESSAYS - “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience and Moldova”

March 21, 2014

“Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience and Moldova”

Interested in the European Union, the Visegrad countries or Moldova?
Have an opinion about EU enlargement and neighborhood policy?
Care to share your views in writing?


On the side of the project entitled “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience,” the Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) of the Central European University opens a call for essays debating Moldova’s European association and potential integration prospects, the transformation and reform experience of Visegrad countries and their supporting role in Moldova’s European aspirations. The writing competition accompanies an online, international student debate organized on April 23, 2014, at the Central European University.

To apply for the debate team by March 31, see details here.


The writing competition will be open in two categories: ESSAYS and BLOGS. Submission is open through the five participating organizations/universities: in Hungary, through the Center for EU Enlargement Studies of the Central European University.

The essays and the blogs should relate to one or more of the questions below:

1) Can Moldova meet the Copenhagen criteria and become a member of the European Union or will it only remain a partner of the EU? In your opinion, what is the reasoning for the Copenhagen criteria?

2) Will only the EU and Moldova decide how Moldova moves along its association/integration path? Will external political challenges play a stronger role?

3) Is the European integration an appealing project for the people of Moldova? Does the Association Agreement initialed last year contain real opportunities for Moldova and the EU?

4) European integration is closely connected with domestic reforms, which require commitment, perseverance, political will, the support of the public and clear, sustainable results. Does Moldova have the will to implement these changes in order to succeed on its EU association/integration path?

5) Are the Visegrad countries well-positioned to share their reform and integration experience with Moldova? Are there areas where such experience may be valuable to Moldova? What would be your recommendations for the governments of Moldova and Visegrad countries in this respect?


THE ESSAYS should be in English, max. 5000 characters including spaces, submitted as .doc or .docx. They can be submitted until October 31, 2014, to Zsuzsanna Vegh at CENS ( The best essay from each participating organization will be awarded with 100 EUR and will be published by the project’s lead organization, MESA10.

THE BLOGS should be in English, max. 2500 characters including spaces, submitted as .doc or .docx. They should be submitted until October 31, 2014, both to Zsuzsanna Vegh at CENS ( and to the project’s lead organization, MESA10 ( The blogs will be published on the website of MESA10. Additionally, the best blog from each participating organization will be awarded with 100 EUR.


-          Excellent written English;
-          Enrolled in a graduate or post-graduate program in Hungary at the time of submission;
-          Hungarian citizenship is NOT a requirement.


-          Title of the essay or the blog;
-          Name of the author;
-          University, faculty or department, program where enrolled, and expected date of graduation;
-          Date of submission.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Zsuzsanna Vegh at CENS (
