Péter Balázs re-elected as Vice-President of the Hungarian Economic Association

June 2, 2011

On 27 May 2011 the leadership of the Hungarian Economic Association (MKT) was elected for the period of 3 years. Péter Balázs, director of CENS and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, has been re-elected as Vice-President of the Association for the period starting from 27 May 2011 until May 2014.

MKT is the oldest and the most important organization of the Hungarian economists. Its goal is the dissemination of economic knowledge, the professional development of public life and also represents the interests of the economists.

The Association organizes seminars, courses, professional debates, meetings. The most important event of the Hungarian economists is the annual conference of the MKT, when specialists of the field gather in a yearly fashion.
Vice-presidency of the Association is a prestigious position, overseeing the most significant results of the field. It also allows the Central European University to maintain a good relationship with the domestic scientific forum, and contributes to its academic mission.

For more information in Hungarian, please visit the following link: Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság

